Clarinspect - Mobile Inspection Software for Professionals

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Getting a grip - Armor-X under review

We are always looking to help our clients with cases, gear, and techniques for getting the most out of their mobile inspections - read on to find out about another great hardware protection range we trialled recently: Armor-X!

Why get a case? 

When you think about working outside with your tablet the first worry is dirt, rain and mud damaging your device. A second consideration (one that people only really think about when they have worked in the field) is how to safely hold and support their device when working. 
For the latter there are issues of having hands free for support (e.g. three points of contact when ascending / descending a ladder), and the more subtle OOS-related issues of maintaining a grip on a tablet for hours whilst working. 
These considerations are generally dealt to by using case and a hand-strap or neck-strap. We have reviewed systems before, such as the Otterbox range for hard-core cases, the Hand-e-holder range for providing a hand-strap and also a variety of waterproof cases. So when we found a brand that can provide all these, and also combines them together… well we had to tell you about it.

Armor-X in action

The Armor-X range combines a case, with a hand-strap and also includes a clip, similar to go-pro. For a single purchase you then get your device protection and OOS / holding a device issues sorted. The clip is even more intriguing. 

Use the clip to turn your tablet into a kiosk, or field station.

This can be used to attach the device to a mount in the can of your truck / car, or onto your drilling rig, or tripod if you are doing field work and don't need to hold the device all the time.

The clip engages with a solid click, and the device is fixed nice and rigidly.

Though we used a tripod, Armor-x offer a range of grips, clamps and bolt-on goodies so you can secure your device to a range of surfaces from boat rails , through benchtops to the dashboard of your truck.

Rear view of the Armor-X clip.

Get your hands in the loop

The handstrap can be easily adjusted using the velcro loop.

The handstrap is built in - it doesn't rotate like the hand-e-holder, nor is it padded, however it does the job in a solid way. The strap is looped through a slot at either end of the clip, and also incorporates a plastic tab for attaching a neckstrap, or carabiner.

This type of fitting is essential for staff that are long term users of mobile devices. Being able to use the device without using a constant grip, which can lead to fore-arm issues.


And the waterproof case...?

This case has soft edge buffers to protect from light knocks, and probably the best neckstrap I've seen so far on a waterproof case. The case itself has a durable feel, and has the usual over-wrap and velcro seal. I would show you, but, well, er, I lent that out to a client, but have a look on the Armor-x site itself and have a hunt around!