Clarinspect - Mobile Inspection Software for Professionals

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Getting serious about Professional Passive Fire Protection

As safe as houses

This is a well known expression, and is taken to mean something you can rely on. As construction becomes more complex the achievement of the intrinsic safety of buildings has to progress; an understanding of how the design, the material choices and fire protection works together has to be appreciated and specified up-front.

This is reflected in the increased focus by building owners, and by the public, on what is being used to make a building's response to fire meet the building code and the desired outcome: escape without injury.

Example passive fire penetrations

Photo credit: Simon Hemmings, CDHB

Using Clarinspect adds the knowledge and accountability that compliance was followed during the installation and inspection process

What happens next?

As an employer of passive fire installation staff, as a project manager receiving data from an installer, as the owner of a building, as an occupier of a building what do you want of the passive fire installation industry?

I would suggest in all these cases you would want to know that a good job was done, a job that was delivered with evidence of good practice, a job that was sufficiently documented to support BWOF requirements, a job that would lead to safe construction that met the brief: the very fabric of the building delivers time enough for people to escape without injury in the case of fire.

This can be achieved through the evidence-based professionalisation of this part of the construction process.