Cataloging Fire/Smoke Separations for a Large Property Portfolio

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Argest is NZ’s leading building warrant of fitness compliance management company with over 30 years experience with BWOF and Building in New Zealand. They offer a total building services package, providing expertise in building compliance management, fire system compliance and facilities management nationwide.

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Why Clarinspect?

Recently Argest were engaged to do fire and smoke separation assessment reports for the Ministry of Education. Malcolm Christie, the Passive Fire Program Manager at Argest, knew there had to be a faster way than the current manual methods to get through this large contract.

When Malcolm approached Argest management with this idea, they immediately said to contact Clarinspect. They knew Clarinspect would be able to deliver, and could automate this process to meet Malcolm’s needs for data gathering and produce reports in a much faster time frame.

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Getting Argest Inspecting

The current manual methods would involve a clipboard and camera, and spending hours cutting and pasting images into his reports and tediously marking up locations on floor plans. Malcolm Christie, a highly experienced passive fire subject matter specialist and inspector, knew that in 2020 there had to be a better way.

Clarinspect can produce reports in word or PDF, in this case, Malcolm preferred a word output so he could do a final proofread and add more comments when needed. After some training Malcolm was off producing reports at a rate he never had before…

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