Clarinspect - Mobile Inspection Software for Professionals

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The Canterbury Health Board succeeding with the Clarinspect System


The CDHB has a big mission: “To promote, enhance and facilitate the health and wellbeing of the people of Canterbury.”

One part of this is the upkeep of all buildings that are owned by the CDHB, to keep them in line with what is required to pass the BWOF (building warrant of fitness). This involves regular checks and inspections on existing passive fire inspections. Additionally any new installations need to be checked that they are done to specification.

This is a large task, and involves large amounts of data across many different inspections.

Why Clarinspect?

CDHB needed a system that can record all this data electronically. Records of penetration sealing, Bluetooth printouts of QR labels, and reviewing the reports before release to the CDHB. On top of this, independent inspections and maintenance staff need to be able to inspect penetrations and generate reports that can be released to the CDHB.

Clarinspect has experience working with inspectors in the field of passive fire inspections and housing inspections in general. When coupled with the collaborative approach that Clarinspect takes to meeting client needs, Clarinspect was chosen as the software for these inspections.

Click here for CDHB case study

An example of a penetration that the CDHB is required to log