Quality - Cake's bread and butter



Cake Commercial Services provides specialized services nationwide in Protective Coatings, Passive Fire Protection, and Asbestos and Demolition Services.

They strive for industry excellence in safety, quality and leadership and is a company powered by people with a drive for excellence.


Why Clarinspect?

Cake Commercial approached Clarinspect when they needed a QA system that would meet the needs and requirements to record their information on site.

They were looking for a quality data collecting and reporting system that needed to be able to be both user friendly for the crew in the field and provide the useful reporting information that their clients wanted to see.


Getting Cake Commercial Services Inspecting

Cake had a list of design needs for their QA system like being able to capture screenshots, turning the captured information in the app into a PDF report and an automatic collection of all data into an excel spreadsheet.

Clarinspect was a perfect fit for Cake’s needs as Clarinspect could provide solutions to all their requests using their own designed templates!

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